snaps | necessary? ::

:: taken at IKEA in Shanghai. The Chinese reads: “This is only a display sample, please do not use! The bathroom is on the second floor, on the left side of the cafeteria. Thanks for your cooperation.”  // AjS


Tags: ikea, necessary, , toilet

4 Responses to “snaps | necessary? ::”

  1. Crane Says:

    It won’t be easy to tear off the plastic cover anyway.

  2. Uln Says:

    LOL, Chinese genius at its best!

    I can well imagine that if they went through the trouble of writing that specific sign and printing it on a transparent film, it is because they saw an urgent need. Someone must have left a surprise before~

  3. Adam J. Schokora Says:

    @ Uln, perhaps, but this toilet was in a wide-open public display (no doors, no nothing), with hundreds of passer-by’ers…it wasnt even mounted to the floor properly…just struck as a bit much. Haha. // AjS

  4. Chinglish, Singnese, Signology? | CHINAYOUREN Says:

    [...] all started when this inspiring picture recently published on the the 55 blog caught my attention. Something was wrong with it, it was [...]

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