video | going underground ::

:: a video short from CNN covering Beijing’s music scene with commentary from Michael Pettis, owner of D22 music club, Kaiser Kuo, founder of Tang Dynasty (唐朝) and current member of the hard rock / metal band Spring & Autumn (春秋), Ilchi from the Mongolian folk band Henggai’s, and Zhangwei and Wu Ningyue from the indie rock band Buyi (布衣). For more CNN videos covering the Beijing music scene, link to Ed Peto’s always excellent

Tags: buyi, , henggai, , , michael pettis, tang dynasty, , zhangwei, 不衣, 唐朝

One Response to “video | going underground ::”

  1. brb Says:

    why do cnn etc always ask if people denounce the government. not all bands need to be political.

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