Wednesday, December 30th, 2009
:: we had a party last night at my place and I decide to capture the second half of it with a new iPhone app called Hipstimatic. I used the Kaimal Mark II lens, however, there are quite a few more you can add-on.
I’m such a fan of the snapshot aesthetic. // AjS
Posted in iPhone, life, photography, shanghai | Tags: application, hipstimatic, iPhone, kaimal mark II, party, photography | No Comments »
Tuesday, March 17th, 2009
:: I decided to celebrate consumer day / week in China by buying something – pretty much how I celebrate every week. I’m now the proud owner of the new-ish ColorSplash iPhone application. I’m a sucker for photo-related apps, I have a half dozen or so now. This one lets you selectively desaturate photos for that cool black-and-white-plus-a-little-bit-of-color effect. It’s beyond easy to use. See below for a before-&-after of my first attempt. Great app. Bravo, well done. // AjS

Posted in iPhone, internet | technology, photography, things well done | Tags: application, colorsplash, iPhone, photography, technology | 2 Comments »
Thursday, January 22nd, 2009
:: from this TechCrunch post it appears Stanford’s “iPhone application programming class” (CS 193P) has released a free Chinese language learning / dictionary application called “Qing Wen” (as in “请问”). Qing Wen is described by developer / student Karan Misra as “an extremely focused and streamlined Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary designed with the Chinese reader in mind. Lookup is meant to be fast and easy. There is just one search field which accepts anything you throw at it – Chinese characters, Pinyin, and English – and figures out the most relevant results. Since Qingwen is meant for students of Chinese, you can also easily add words to word lists for future reference and discover relationship between characters by seeing which other words they occur in and which other characters have similar sounds. Qingwen uses a modified version of CC-CEDICT as its dictionary.” Click here (direct iTunes link) to download the application from the Apple App Store. // AjS
Posted in chinese language, iPhone, internet | technology | Tags: application, Chinese, iPhone, mandarin, qing wen, stanford | 4 Comments »