Posts Tagged ‘archie hamilton’ | josé slideshow ::
Wednesday, February 25th, 2009
:: a slideshow of photographs taken by Abram Deyo in Shanghai during José González’s China tour. From Split Work’s Neocha page. One last time, hats off to and his team at Split Works for bringing José to China. // AjS
[full disclosure: 56minus1 is a partner at]
Posted in music,, photography, shanghai | Tags: abram deyo, archie hamilton, jose gonzales, neocha, photographs, shanghai, split works | No Comments »
Friday, February 20th, 2009
:: following up on Jon’s post yesterday about the José González’s show at the Shanghai Children’s Art Theatre, I went to his second performance in Shanghai last night at Glamour Bar. José again put on a great show, with an intimate stage arrangement that allowed for everyone to get up close. One highlight of the night was José showing off his Chinese and saying “牛逼!” (niu bi) to the crowd, something he must have picked up in Beijing a couple nights earlier. Below is a video I took on my phone of “Teardrop,” his last song of the night. Again, kudos to and his team at Split Works for bringing José to China. // SL
[Sean Leow is a guest contributor on 56minus1.]
Posted in music, shanghai, shorts, video | Tags: archie hamilton, Glamour Bar, José González, sean leow, shanghai, shorts, split works, video | 2 Comments »
Thursday, February 19th, 2009
:: last night, I took in a Jose Gonzales performance at the Shanghai Children’s Art Theatre – a perfect venue. It was one of those so-intimate-that-there-are-zero-bad-seats kinda places. Below are some snaps from the show. Also, see here for a short video Sean posted from Jose’s second Shanghai performance at Glamour Bar (2/19/09). Hats off to and his team at Split Works for making it all happen. //

[ is a guest contributor on 56minus1.]
Posted in music, shanghai, snaps | Tags: archie hamilton, jon lombardo, jose gonzales, music, renaissance man, shanghai, snaps, split works | 3 Comments »
Saturday, January 24th, 2009
:: listen below for a conversation between Archie Hamilton, head of Split Works, and Louis Yu, from the U of Victoria’s CFVU 101.9. Among other things, Split Works brings foreign bands (Sonic Youth, Jens Lekman, Go Team, Jose Gonzalez) to perform in China. Split Works is also involved in promoting / developing local Chinese independent musicians. In the interview, Archie discusses at length the music industry in China. Follow him on Twitter at , or Split Works at . See here for another in depth interview with Archie.
Posted in chats, china, music, people | Tags: archie hamilton, CFVU 101.9, china, louis yu, music, split works | 1 Comment »