Posts Tagged ‘huaihai rd.’
Monday, May 18th, 2009
:: I noticed these protest banners on my way into work this morning. I wonder how long they will stay there. The photos below were taken in Shanghai at the intersection of Middle Huaihai Rd. and Huating Rd. The first one says: 上交响迁建严重扰民破坏和谐, meaning “The relocation of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra to a new building seriously disturbs the people and is destroying (social) harmony.” The second one says: 上交响不要论为破坏历史建筑的罪人, meaning “The Shanghai Symphony Orchestra should not turn into criminals against historical architecture.” Does anyone know why the authors used the word “论为” instead of “沦为,” or is it just an honest typo? I like how protest banners in China are black on white. // AjS

Posted in architecture, shanghai, snaps, urban | Tags: banners, harmony, historical, huaihai rd., huating rd., protest, relocation, shanghai, shanghai symphony orchestra, snaps | 6 Comments »
Monday, May 18th, 2009
:: I found a great place in Shanghai to get wanton and zongzi. On Huating Rd., very close to the Middle Huaihai Rd. intersection (north side, basically at the entrance way to the old Tang Hui), a new place opened up last week. It’s not really a restaurant, but rather just someone’s home. There are only two proper tables, one of which is in the family’s living room and doubles as a wanton-wrapping station – it’s also where I sat and had my breakfast this morning (see first photo below). The other table is a fold-out that can be setup for outside seating. Great food and Longjing tea (free, of course). Pardon the reddish effect with the photos, I was testing out a new iPhone app called Vint Red. Pretty neat result. // AjS

Posted in china, culture, food, internet | technology, shanghai, things well done, urban | Tags: huaihai rd., huating rd., shanghai, tanghui, things well done, vint red, wanton, zongzi | No Comments »
Sunday, May 17th, 2009
:: taken in Shanghai on Huating Rd., just north of the Middle Huaihai Rd. intersection. // AjS

Posted in shanghai, snaps, urban | Tags: huaihai rd., huating rd., mailboxes, shanghai, snaps | No Comments »
snaps | blue sky ::
Sunday, April 26th, 2009
:: taken today in Shanghai on Huaihai Rd. (at the Sinan Rd. intersection); a beautiful blue sky. I can’t recall the last time I saw such a site here. // AjS

Posted in shanghai, snaps, urban | Tags: blue, huaihai rd., shanghai, sinan rd., sky, snaps | No Comments »