Posts Tagged ‘nial o’connor’
Sunday, June 7th, 2009
:: taken at the home of Shanghai-based illustrator Nial O’Connor while filming part 2 of a video project that introduces characters from his comic Jing Squared (晶²). The first character introduced was Jing Jing, the character below is Xiao Bao. In a couple weeks we’ll be releasing the Xiao Bao video, stay tuned. // AjS

Posted in art, china, cool hunting, people, shanghai, snaps, youth | creative culture | Tags: comic, illustration, illustrator, jing jing, jing squared, nial o'connor, shanghai, snaps, syrup comeks, video, xiao bao, 小宝, 晶² | No Comments »
Saturday, June 6th, 2009
:: I met up with Nial O’Connor today, a Shanghai-based artist who I’ve written about before on 56minus1 and have had the privileged of working with on a video production. While chatting, I learned of some stencil experiments he did in Shanghai with his comic character Jing Jing. The below photographs capture this work; taken last year in the pre-demolition abandoned neighborhood at the corner of Shimen Yi Rd. and Weihai Rd (just across the street from the Four Seasons hotel). That same neighborhood has since been leveled and is now being prepared for high-rise development. In the coming weeks I’ll be documenting more of Nial’s stencil work in Shanghai – watch this space. // AjS

Posted in art, china, cool hunting, graffiti, people, shanghai, urban, youth | creative culture | Tags: art, artist, china, illustrator, jing jing, nial, nial o'connor, shanghai, shimen yi rd., stencil, street art, urban, urban art, weihai rd. | No Comments »
Friday, May 8th, 2009
:: an up-close sample of Nial O’Connor’s work being show at art+shanghai’s Fold 1: Unifying Art + Design exhibition; a ping pong-playing, elephant-riding mythical Buddhist character. As always with Nial’s work: bravo, well done. // AjS

Posted in art, china, cool hunting, design, shanghai, things well done, youth | creative culture | Tags: art+shanghai, buddha, buddhist, elephant, nial o'connor, things well done | No Comments »
Friday, May 8th, 2009
:: art+shanghai has an exhibition now through June 21st titled Fold 1: Unifying Art + Design that features a 56minus1 favorite, Nial O’Connor (who I’ve posted about before here, here, and here). Nial recently told me that one of the images he created for the exhibition “is of Little Red Riding Hood playing ping pong against an elephant-riding mythical Buddhist character – it was a lot of fun to make.”
According to art+shanghai, the Fold 1 group exhibition explores the intricacies of art and design as a partnership; it is an equal cooperation on every level from the initial sharing of ideas to negotiating changes and making decisions about possible outcomes. Don’t miss it. // AjS

Posted in art, china, cool hunting, design, events, music, people, shanghai, snaps, youth | creative culture | Tags: art, art+shanghai, design, events, fold 1, nial o'connor, shanghai | No Comments »
Thursday, April 16th, 2009
:: this video series features Shanghai-based creator Nial O’Connor (a.k.a. Zeldz Magnoonis) introducing his soon-to-be released comic “Jing Squared” (晶²). The comic is designed specifically for viewing on mobile phones, and will be available for download from mid-2009 onward throughout mainland China.
In this first video short, Nial presents Jing Jing – the title character of his comic – and discusses her character, powers, and world.
Illustration & narration by Nial O’Connor. Film production by 56minus1. Soundtrack by Nara.
Link here for an earlier 56minus1 post with some of Nial’s work from an exhibition at Shanghai’s Art Plus gallery. Also, link here for a recent interview Nial did with Merge Magazine. // AjS
Below is a Chinese-subtitled version of the video above. If you are accessing the above VIMEO video from within China and finding it to be loading / streaming too slowly, the below Tudou video may be faster if you don’t mind the subtitles. There also a Chinese-subtitles version available on VIMEO.
Posted in art, china, cool hunting, people, shanghai, shorts, video | Tags: illustration, jing squared, jingjing, nara, nial o'connor, shanghai, syrup comeks, zeldz magnoonis, 晶晶 | 4 Comments »
Saturday, March 28th, 2009
:: say hello to Jing Jing, one of Nial O’Connor’s many comic book characters. Jing Jing’s has the magical power of instantaneously actualizing her ideas and imagination, but not first without intense concentration –– as shown below. I took this photo today at Nial’s apartment after wrapping up a day of shooting for a video project he and I are working on together. Stay tuned for more on that project. // AjS

Posted in art, people, snaps | Tags: illustration, jing jing, nial o'connor, snaps, video, 晶晶 | No Comments »
Friday, February 13th, 2009
:: last night I attended a group exhibition opening called “ n” at Art Plus Gallery in Shanghai. The exhibition featured the work of Nial O’Connor (a.k.a. Zeldz Magnoonis), a friend of 56minus1. Nial’s comic illustrations have always inspired me: so modern, so urban, so imaginative, so playful. Below are a few examples of his pieces on exhibit. Bravo, well done. // AjS
:: construction bandit

:: wet water bandit

:: bmx bandit

:: bmx bandits lost in jiadiang (up close)

:: bmx bandits lost in jiadiang (up close)

:: construction bandit (up close)

:: bmx bandit (up close)

:: bmx bandit (up close)

:: construction bandit (up close)

:: wet water bandit (up close)

Posted in art, china, cool hunting, things well done, urban | Tags: art, art plus gallery, bmx bandit, construction bandit, nial o'connor, wet water bandit, zeldz magnoonis | 3 Comments »