Tuesday, May 19th, 2009
:: from this month’s Mr. Modern (摩登绅士) magazine, an interview with Danwei.org founder and editor Jeremy Goldkorn. And yes, Jeremy is holding a stuffed Caonima doll in the photo.
As I just don’t have time right now, if there is anyone that would like to translate this into English, I would greatly appreciate it and happily post here with credit / linkback, etc. Drop me a line at 56minus1 AT gmail DOT com. // AjS

Posted in beijing, blogs | bloggers, china, chinese language, people | Tags: caonima, danwei.org, goldkorn, interview, jeremy, magazine, mr. modern, sb, 摩登绅士, 杂志, 采访, 金鱼米 | 1 Comment »
Friday, May 15th, 2009
:: taken in Shanghai just outside the streetwear / skateboarding mini-mall of sorts that exists on Changle Rd. near Fumin Rd. Every time I see this bench I can’t help thinking NIKE + an alternative, ubiquitously used slang meaning of “SB.” Naughty of me, I know. Apologies for being so juvenile – I just spend way too much time on the Chinese Internet and around foul-mouthed local youth. Just to clarify though, SB in this case is (obviously) referring to NIKE’s skateboarding line, which is great in fact. Very un-SB’ish of NIKE. // AjS

Posted in china, chinese language, shanghai, snaps, urban, youth | creative culture | Tags: bench, changle rd., fumin. rd, nike, sb, shanghai, skateboarding, slang, snaps, 傻b, 傻屄 | No Comments »