Posts Tagged ‘zhenjiang’
Sunday, May 31st, 2009
:: as mentioned a couple months ago, I’ve been trying my hand at lomography. Below is the result of my continued struggle to make sense of this silly hipster gadget. The slideshow has few good snaps (all luck) taken at the MIDI festival in Zhenjiang and a spattering of other places around Shanghai. Enjoy. // AjS
Posted in lomo, photography, shanghai, snaps, travel | Tags: china, hipster gadget, lomo, lomography, midi, shanghai, snaps, zhenjiang | 1 Comment »
Sunday, May 17th, 2009
:: taken in Zhenjiang (Jiangsu Province), China; a service center for Chinese Communist Party members. Is anyone aware of the types of services provided at such centers? I tried asking at the front desk but didn’t get very far. // AjS

Posted in china, chinese language, snaps | Tags: china, communist, service center, snaps, zhenjiang | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, May 5th, 2009
:: I recently spotted this shanzhai’d adidas logo on a portable trash dumpster in Zhenjiang (Jiangsu Province), China. The Chinese reads Guang Yu Lan (Southern Magnolia) Foods. Why it was on garbage cart, I have no idea. Remarkable nonetheless. // AjS

Posted in china, shanzhai, urban | Tags: adidas, guang yu lan foods, logo, shanzhai, southern magnolia, zhenjiang | No Comments »
Tuesday, May 5th, 2009
:: this past weekend I attended the MIDI music festival in Zhenjiang (Jiangsu Province), China. Below is a slideshow of snaps I took of graffiti pieces / tags / throw-ups that lined the inside wall of the venue (just across the street from the west gate of Jiangsu University). These were all painted specifically for the festival (and are probably gone by now), so they are not exactly organic. Nevertheless though, some are quite good. Enjoy. // AjS
Posted in art, china, cool hunting, graffiti, music, photography, snaps, urban, youth | creative culture | Tags: 2009, art, china, graffiti, midi, snaps, urban, zhenjiang | 2 Comments »
Monday, May 4th, 2009
:: the video and photo below were shot Sunday night during Tong Yang’s (痛仰) set, the last performance of Midi, a 3-day music festival held this year in Zhenjiang (Jiangsu Province), China. Shortly after the video’s six minute mark, said naked foreigners make their grand entry. These will likely be “harmonized” soon, so enjoy while you can. [Update: the video already seems to be inaccessible.] // AjS

Posted in music, random, video | Tags: foreigners, midi, naked, tong yang, zhenjiang, 痛仰 | No Comments »