chinese social media according to forrester ::

:: I recently came across a Forrester report that takes a close look at social media usage by Chinese netizens in “metropolitan China” (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan, and Xian). To Chinese Internet watchers, the report’s main points are nothing new, but nevertheless worth repeating: 1) social media in China is mainstream, 2) content creation among Chinese netizens is more common than in the West, 3) BBS discussion forums trump social networks in China, and 4) Chinese social media users have higher incomes, education, and consumption levels, compared to non-users. Below are some interesting figures and conclusions for marketers. Does anyone have any insight into methodology for this research? (i.e. how many people were surveyed, how the surveys were conducted, etc.)  // AjS






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9 Responses to “chinese social media according to forrester ::”

  1. Beth Evans Says:

    This is very useful. I was aware of the Forrester social media ladder but not of the stats specifically on China.

  2. renaissance chambara | Ged Carroll - Links of the day Says:

    [...] :: » chinese social media according to forrester – definite formation of a ‘digerati’ in Chinese society stratified along the class system [...]

  3. Elyse Says:

    thanks for posting this! really interesting to see how the numbers panned out…

  4. Michael Netzley, CommunicateAsia, corporate communication, Asia, Web 2.0, digital media Says:

    [...] Forrester Technographics Report on China. I do not believe this report gives us n (sample size), so we have difficulty assessing even the most basic reliability of this report.  With that in mind, however, this is the first technographics profile I have seen from China. [...]

  5. Sam 对网络口碑(IWOM)的思考(CEO博客2009年2月回顾篇) | seeisee - CIC: 解读网络口碑,探讨网络文化 Says:

    [...] 2月份,我有机会同我们国内外的合作伙伴、客户以及我们自己的团队就网络口碑的定位问题进行深入探讨,尤其是在当前的国际环境下。在这些讨论中,我与大家分享了我所坚信的观点,那就是网络口碑是全球化的现象,同时它的表现又是相当的本土化。我在一篇关于中国网络口碑是如何不同于其他国家的博文中已经作过进一步的论述。人们进行网络讨论的平台各不相同(例如:至少关于品牌的讨论在bbs上要多过在Blog上。查看这里和这里);人们融入的程度也不尽相同(例如:在中国网络口碑显的更加主流,查看这里);网络口碑作为一种文化力量的重要性以及地位也有所不同(查看这里);语言也有所差异(融合了实际生活中使用的语言,一样的句法,分段,查看这里;也有网络上的专用语言,查看这里)。在我看来,对网络口碑,你应该“想法全球化,但做法本土化”。 [...]

  6. 消费者权益日?品牌危机日? | seeisee - CIC: 解读网络口碑,探讨网络文化 Says:

    [...] 从网络在中国的流行程度来看,315通常也意味着“网络发泄”的爆发。网民会利用网络口碑的力量来发泄他们消费过程中的郁闷。中国是世界上拥有最多网民、最多博主和最多论坛用户的国家。也由此产生了世界上最大的社交网络系统及最深入的在线互动体系。 [...]

  7. More Thoughts on China Digital and Social Media | China IWOM Blog- Making Sense of the Buzz Says:

    [...] rate is a relatively low 22.6%, but social participation rate is very high. Forrester’s China technographics study, for example, shows that Chinese “creators” account for 40% of netizen population compared to [...]

  8. Forrester: Chinese social media participation is higher than the US | China IWOM Blog- Making Sense of the Buzz Says:

    [...] has a nice post summarizing the recent Forrester report here. I was interviewed for this report and it reflects much of what I and my company have been saying [...]

  9. EXPOSAY: CIC联合奥美公关布世博白皮书,解读上海世博会热门讨论话题 | seeisee – CIC: 解读网络口碑,探讨网络文化 Says:

    [...] 宽泛的说,我们认为包含此类定性分析是非常重要的,因为中国的网民不仅仅只是在网上谈论,更是在谈话的创意和积极性上很有表现。如Forrester的研究报告显示,在社会化媒体方面,中国网民的创意思维是美国网民的2倍。如我们常说的,中国的社会化媒体发展远超西方国家的社会化媒体发展,而我们这份包含定性分析的的白皮书,恰好证明了这一点。最后,我们这份报告希望表达的是社会化媒体如何在中国以主流媒体的形式成为自我展示的工具,以及如何与日常的品牌/事件相结合。(甚至包括公司是如何参与其中的)。 [...]

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