Posts Tagged ‘春天’

trax | chinese indie folk ::

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

:: five songs by five different Chinese indie folk bands. Please have a listen, 56minus1 would be very interested in hearing any feedback you may have, even if its just a thumbs up or thumbs down. Comment below or send an email to: 56minus1 -AT- Thanks. // AjS

You Can’t Blame Me by Zhu Fangqiong (歌手: 朱芳琼, 歌曲: 怪不得我)

Ha chew! Ha chew!
by Glorious Pharmacy (乐队: 美好药店, 歌曲: 啾啾)

Improvisation 2
by The Traveler (乐队: 旅行者, 歌曲: 即兴Ⅱ)

Street Lights
by Yao (乐队: 腰, 歌曲: 公路之光)

by Wild Children (乐队: 野孩子, 歌曲: 春天)